Responsible Tourism: Giving back in the long run.

Educating girls to become future leaders of their communities!

Tourism is a major industry globally and a major sector in many economies. According to the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), over the past six decades, tourism has experienced continued growth and diversification to become one of the largest and fastest-growing economic sectors in the world. The World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) estimates that tourism contributed 9.2 percent of global GDP and forecasts that the sector will continue to grow at over 4 percent per annum during the next ten years.

So what is the future of tourism and in what direction should it move? Through tourism Ca Travelers wants to give back to the community and not for the short-term, but for the long-term.

We believe that the key to ensuring the future of tourism is to acknowledge how it impacts our environment, economy, and culture as a whole. Through this awareness, we can begin the process to limit the negative effects of tourism on our surroundings.

For this reason, we propose paths with a mindset of respect for environmental biodiversity and enhancement of local economies and traditions.

Our mission is to accompany tourists through a tailor-made experience according to their tastes while showing them the hidden gems in our countries, doing so responsibly.

We offer experiences in relaxation, wellness, yoga, local culture, nature, sports and local gastronomy. These experiences take our clients to the sea, the mountains, cities, lakes, and sometimes to the most remote areas. Therefore, Responsibility is our guiding principle. We work continuously in order to have a positive effect on the places we take our clients. This means:

  • Creating partnerships with low-impact hotels, that make an effort to integrate into the immediate environment.
  • Providing tours with activities from small and local providers in order to strengthen them.
  • Designing itineraries with the prospect of improving the conditions of local workers.
  • Encouraging, through our tours, the interaction of the tourists with local communities.
  • Protecting and improving the quality of life of employees, providers and different stake-holders.
  • Carrying out concrete efforts that put our vision into practice through alliances with organizations that work in the two areas we believe in most, the protection of the environment and the strengthening of local communities.

  • Among the most recent activities developed in the field of responsible tourism we have reached an alliance with the NGO Visions Global Empowerment, which is currently building the Escuela Vera Angelita and the Vera Eco-Resort & Botanical Gardens. This project is an example of sustainability and responsible tourism.

    Visions Global Empowerment is a nonprofit organization based in Los Angeles, CA that aims to change patterns of inequality by supporting educational initiatives for youth affected by conflict, poverty, and disability. We envision a world where all people have access to quality education, feel empowered, and are capable of participating as leaders in today’s society.

    Worldwide, millions of children face immense daily hardships that prevent them from accessing a quality education or preparing themselves for a meaningful, educated and independent life. Since 2003, they have labored tirelessly in creating educational and personal development opportunities that serve community needs and enable youth to improve their own lives and overall wellbeing.

    In Nicaragua, Visions Global Empowerment has expanded the scope of its project to include a tourism development in the property called Vera Eco Resort & Botanical Gardens, thus making the whole operation self-sustainable. Through this project, this organization is drawing the blueprint in Nicaragua of how to use tourism to tackle issues such as income inequality, access to basic needs and general economic underdevelopment.

    Through our alliance with the Escuela Vera Angelita we will donate a percentage of our revenue from each tour to support the development of this amazing project and the growth of hundreds of girls and their families.

    Furthermore, we are currently working on different tours to the Vera Eco-Resort & Botanical Gardens. From a day visit to the property to enjoy the mountainous pathways and the astonishing bio-diversity on display at the botanical gardens, to a full week of immersive volunteer work at Escuela Vera Angelita that will bring our clients in direct contact with the real Nicaraguan culture.

    Through our partnership with Visions Global Empowerment we hope to contribute to the advancement of the communities that receive us (and our clients) with open arms, therefore, changing how we think about the role of tourism in the development of our country.


    “If you’re in the luckiest one per cent of humanity, you owe it to the rest of humanity to think about the other 99 per cent.”- Warren Buffett

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